Does it bother you to see beaches and landfills lined with non bio-degradable waste? Does your heart ache to see beautiful scenery and tourist places cluttered with plastic that local animals might consume? Do you ever wish there was something you could do to remedy the situation? If you answered ‘yes’ to the above questions, you have come to the right place

Everyone wants to consume everything fast, but only a few pay heed to what it costs our environment. We, at Merahki Living, will take you through how you can take the first step to preserving our planet.

Here are some tips to go zero waste at home:

  1.  Pause and reflect

Take a moment to pause and reflect on the items you trash everyday. Notice what you trash the most and where it comes from. If you shop online a lot, you may have plastic covers; if you travel without any bags you might end up with plastic carry ons and bottles. Reflecting on your waste and where it stems from is the first step to cutting off the source.

2.  Evaluate your current possessions and plan your purchase

We often purchase things mindlessly, ending up with things we do not need in the first place.  Put an end to it and make a list of all that you want for the next few months, including groceries, clothes, electronics, office supplies etc, evaluate what you have and determine what you need for the next 3-6 months.

3. Evaluate your source

Now that you have narrowed your list to things you really need, think about who you buy from and what waste you generate after the purchase? Do you buy fast food online that comes with plastic bags, plastic cutlery and a bunch of tissues? Instead, plan your day ahead and make your meal, or go out to dine at a nearby restaurant. If you tend to buy packaged vegetables, purchase from a nearby market or a local vendor. Not only will you save the plastic of the supermarket, the quality of vegetables will most likely be better.

 4. Take basic cutlery with you

Taking metal spoons, plates, water bottles and waste clothes with you will come in handy when you stop to eat outside. Sure, it will be odd at first, but when you see the plastic plates and spoons you have avoided, you will pat yourself on the back.

5. Conscious travelling

The next time you travel, take non plastic utilities with you. If the situation demands you to use single use plastic, carry them with you until you find a safe place to deposit them.

Take handkerchiefs with you, when you go outside or travel; ditch tissues and wet wipes.

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6. Re-purpose

When things at home have served their purpose to the fullest, you can repurpose them by using them in a different/better capacity. Most products can be put to an alternate use.

7. Buy from sustainable vendors

 When you determine your needs long before your use, you can opt for wholesale shopping, especially for non perishables. It is pocket friendly as well.

8. Thrifting

Do you have many sets of clothing you do not use or need? Make some money off of them by selling them online or offline at thrift stores. You can also buy pre-loved clothes at affordable prices. This way, you reduce consumption, advocate slow fashion and reduce your share of waste.

 9. Go digital, instead of print

Go cashless wherever possible and send soft copies instead of printing out. If you have a huge stack of papers at home and you do not use them, donate them. 

A small change can make a huge difference in the world. Going zero waste is a small step in doing our part to make our planet sustainable. After all, there is no planet B, is there? 

So make small changes today, join the movement, exercise your consumer power for the greater good!

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